Released on Transparencies / RAW [0.4,y,0.75] comissioned and released by Research and Waves in collaboration with Nicolás Rosero and Carlos Pablo Villamizar. Mastered by Normann Neumann. A heartfelt thank you to Gustavo Mendez Lopez, Maria Karpushina, Nicolás Rosero, Dorina San Luis and Elard Lukaczik
Shown at:
RAW[0.4,y,0.75] α - Transparencies: Prelude I, Galerie Mitte im Kubo, Bremen, 2018
RAW[0.4,y,0.75] β - Transparencies: Prelude II, FeldFuenf, Berlin, 2019
RAW[0.4,y,0.75] - Transparencies, FeldFuenf, Berlin, 2019
[In English] Altered text excerpts from Claire Fontaine – Some Instructions for the Sharing of Private Property, 2011
with in return text excerpts from
Ted the Tool – MIT Guide to Lock Picking, 1991
CIA Lock Picking: Field Operative Training Manual, Unknown Origin
[In German] Altered text excerpts from Gebrüder Grimm – Bremer Stadtmusikanten, 1819
with in return altered text excerpts from
Oral fairy tale Bremer Stadtmusikanten, Unknown time (multiple versions)
Ehemaliger Güterbahnhof, Bremen / Former goods station, Bremen
Hochschule für Künste im Hafen Speicher XI, Überseestadt, Bremen /
University of the Arts in the Waterfront Warehouse XI, Überseestadt, Bremen
Baumwollbörse, Bremen / Cotton Exchange, Bremen